More About Astrology
Hindu astrology is deeply rooted in the world's oldest scriptures, also known as The Vedas. The Vedas is a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. It is a collection of work written by Rishis and broken into several divisions to include spiritual knowledge, meditation, yoga, and philosophy of life. Hindu astrology, bearing its roots in astronomy, is now called Vedic astrology. One of the earlier Rishis, Sage/Maharishi Bhrigu who established this system, is the father of Jyotish (Vedic astrology), which is a sanskrit term, that means "light or heavenly body". Jyotish also means" the Science of Light". Roots of Astrology according to modern day scholars suggest the "Babylonian astrology was the first organized system of astrology, arising in the 2nd millennium BC. " Wikipedia
One magor difference between Vedic astrology and Western (tropical) astrology is in its calculations.
The Vedic system of astrology works with the lunar calendar, whereas Western astrology is based on the solar calendar. Within the Vedic system, the planetary constellations are found within the sidereal zodiac, with the planets moving from one sign to the next. These calculations line up directly and correspond with the 27 Nakshatras. (lunar mansions) , ie the fixed stars, and seems to be more precise overall. Western astrology uses the subjective point in space showing the Sun, which crosses through the earth's equator with Aries as the starting point. The calculations used in the sidereal system show an ayanamsa difference of 23 degrees. Another words the 7 planets plus 2 lunar nodes represented in your Vedic chart will change by approx 23 degrees. Possibly placing the planetary placements back an entire Sign including the Houses as well. These calculation changes portray a much richer and deeper meaning of the native in their basic birth chart. Revealing the karmic forces, pattening and the natives tendencies. For example if you were born in early May then your Sun sign would actually be in Aries instead of Taurus. See your Vedic Sun signs on the home page link.