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Weekly Horoscope: May 2020 -Updates

May trends show there are four planets currently in retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn,

Venus, and Pluto. During this time, Mercury will also be joining these 4 planets on

June 18 until July 12, 2020. These planets appear to be going backward in the

sky in relationship to the zodiac. Specifically, planetary retrograde means a planet is rotating in the opposite direction from the path around the Sun. One can see that planets in retrograde can influence global affairs, as illustrated by mundane astrology. Personally, this is a time to reflect on how specific areas are manifesting, and how Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Pluto are representational of that energy as spiritual messengers - as shown in your own horoscope. Another words, planets in retrograde may cause an intensification or slowing down period, providing a fitting opportunity for reflection and introspection. This internal process is necessary for realigning yourself before you can reap the rewards they might bring.

Jupiter has a lot to do with the principle of teaching and wisdom and can offer meaning and purpose in a broader sense. Jupiter or Guru in Sanscript - also signifies expansion and growth, acting like a karaka with what it rules in your own personal horoscope. Children, religion, philosophy, fortune, and higher education are just a few examples. Jupiter retrograde can serve to bring insight into what specific areas we need to work on in your own personal life, shown in the natal chart. The natural cycle for Jupiter retrograde is approx 4 months. From May 12 until Sept 12 2020, During the beggining portion of the retrograde, Jupiter will be in sidereal Capricorn, connected to the nakshatra star Uttara Ashadha, meaning “Latter Victory,” or the "Universal Star", Deity is Vishvedevas. Uttara Ashada is symbolized by the elephant tusk, whose key themes include righteous activities and victory over issues that benefit society. Because of this, we can expect to reap a few rewards in our communities and associations during this period of time, especially if you have your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in sidereal Sagittarius (Uttara Ashada) once Jupiter turns direct much later in the year of 2020.

Jupiter (Guru) is about inspiration and faith, which may become lessened when Jupiter is in sidereal Capricorn (debilitation). As a result, the attachment to our ambitions and business may take precedence over what may simply inspire us. Capricorn is a cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn, giving way to materialism and practicalities such as business and government. While Jupiter is in retrograde, you may notice that many may be taking a cold, hard look at the economy and how it might affect one's long-term future. This will, of course, be compounded by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. However, over the coming months, Jupiter will retrograde back into sidereal Sagittarius - a fire sign, its (mooltrikona) placement. Jupiter transit is now on familiar terms, giving stronger results. Once Jupiter goes direct Sept 12, 2020 at 23.15 degrees in sidereal Sagittarius. During this time we can expect to overcome obstacles and reach success, as it offers grace and blessings. Optimism should be on the rise and our spirits will be improved. Faith will circle back as we experience an element of victory over some of the challenges that may lie ahead. Wisdom may manefest in ways that leads us on a path that suits our purpose.

Saturn, the planet of solitude and karma, will be in retrograde from May 11 until Sept 29th 2020 in sidereal Capricorn and in the same star as Jupiter (Uttara Ashadha). Capricorn feminine is a cardinal earth sign, Saturn placement in sidereal Capricorn is considered very natural here, in its own sign. Saturn or Shani (Sanscript name) - considered malefic, and can be quite strict. Known as the teacher of karma, where fear on some level enters into the lesson. Although Saturn, - its Sanscript name Shani, can lead to positive outcomes and fosters long-lasting endurance in areas we strive to achieve. Empowering us to take a practical and sensible approach. Saturn does its best in Libra (exalted), expressing itself by balancing karma in society and relationships more broadly. While Saturn turns retrograde currently, delays and frustrations may be in our current environment. We may be faced with re-evaluating long term goals and establishing new practical structures. At the beginning of this phase, certain limitations and issues may seem insurmountable, especially with the current pandemic affecting the US and the rest of the world. A shock wave has replaced our complacent and expected lifestyles, with new, and at times confusing restrictions to follow. A reflection period may help us resolve or dissolve some of the difficult decisions and limitations we are faced with, but only if we are realistic and willing to make the requisite sacrifices. It is unclear what this really means in a practical sense. What is clear is that Saturn brings to the table a whole lot of paralysis. However, if we want a stable foundation and more control over our destiny, hard work, down to earth attitude and focus will be required.

Venus is now in the sidereal sign of Taurus, which relates to fixed Earth, those under its influence keep to a practical yet sensible life course. Taurus is considered a feminine sign, these natives have a tendency for reflection yet obstinate at the same time. They are known for sensuality, love, romance, and eating good food. Venus or Shukra its Sanscript name has been in retrograde in sidereal Taurus since May 13, and will maintain this state until June 25, 2020. Taurus is rajasic (guna) in quality, because of its passionate nature and pursuit of desires. This ambition leads to the instinct that Taurus is known for. During this time, Venus will be located in the constellation or nakshatra star Mrigashira in Taurus, symbolized as the "deer head", the Moon-god. Named as (Soma) and represented by the divine nectar or internal bliss, the constellation is also known as the "searching star". Its promise is to give enjoyment and fulfillment to natives; however, they can go on forever searching for fulfillment which leads to restlessness. Venus is the planet that rules over relationships, beauty, wealth, and enjoyment. While Venus is in Pisces (exalted) in its best dignity, one may experience the pleasure that transcends beyond our relationships or happiness.

During this time, it’s very likely you're thinking about past relationships. You could find yourself searching for, and evaluating the worth of, past experiences that brought you feelings of happiness. In the process of the retrograde phase, challenges might arise within your current relationships. For example, a previous romantic partner might reappear in your life in order to test your true feelings. This time is necessary to reflect, gain perspective, and potentially compromise on your current situation in order to gain stability by the time Venus goes direct. Bear in mind, these effects might be more amplified if Venus-retrograde aspects your personal planets - Sun, Moon or Ascendant in your horoscope.

Pluto also has recently changed signs into sidereal Capricorn. Shocking events took place mid-February, approx the 25th of 2020. Pluto will be retrograde in sidereal Capricorn from April 24 until October 2, 2020. also in nakshatra star Uttara Ashadha. Pluto is a generational planet and influences the collective population at large. The trend already began, digital (information age) has been with us since the '70s. Yet technology will continue to expand and impact our lives in ways we can't envision as it continues to influence the economy. Keep in mind Pluto sometimes has to do with corruption and the controlling forces of the underworld. For example, mafia and governmental dictators that center over big money and power. Pluto amplifies like Rahu, yet has enormous healing energy as well. Pluto has a lot to do with what lies behind the shadows (like Scorpio), revealing those deep dark secrets, the ones that beneath those murky waters.

Keywords for Jupiter are truth, faith, philosophy, wealth, growth, and expansion. Pluto has to do with power as in controlling the masses, corrupt politics - With these two now in conjunction moving backward through sidereal Capricorn something unexpected, way beyond your control - our faith has been shaken by overwhelming events, as seen during the current pandemic of Covid 19. This has spread like wildfire in every community worldwide, sending great fear and uncertainty through the nation (remember Jupiter expands things). Expect the truth to come out over the current event - especially as both Jupiter and Pluto go head to head retrograde through sidereal Capricorn near the end of June 2020. We can hope to see the end of the current pandemic or at least a slowing down period of the current health crises.

From sidereal Capricorn, both Jupiter and Pluto will retrograde back into (s) Sagittarius, a dual fire sign. Dual meaning flexible to ever-changing possibilities, this energy can lead to alternative paths and ideas connected to the 9th house of Dharma. People born under this sign are highly philosophical, as this sign is related to righteousness and truth. Often times those influenced by this sign are seen taking leadership roles within their communities as motivational speakers, teachers, or religious leaders inspiring those around them.

Currently, with both planets, Jupiter and Pluto retrograde back into sidereal Sagittarius, expect inspiration and faith (Jupiter) will be transformed (Pluto). Now a shift can take birth and our faith and compassion for our fellow man may finally take hold. Even spiritual practices and leaders can gain insight, using a higher state of consciousness during the transit of Jupiter and Pluto into (s) Sagittarius. More unity and comradeship amongst many belief systems are all possible now. Especially experienced if you have significant planets Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Uttara Ashada in sidereal Sagittarius.

Pluto's purpose is to create a clean slate while sweeping out what is no longer useful. Jupiter brings in expansion and growth. Technology as it relates to the digital era will continue to grow and expand. Reinventing new systems on a global scale, alongside with our currency and healthcare. However, we want to still be in control of technology, not be controlled by technology. Expect these and more changes to emerge when both Jupiter and Pluto go direct, together in sidereal Capricorn. Jupiter takes approx 12 months traditionally to transit through each sign. During the coming year, Jupiter will join up in conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn starting later part of December in 2020, (more on that in another post). The benefic planet Jupiter (guru) will exist sidereal Capricorn all together in early April of 2021 and transit into Aquarius. Compared to Pluto will takes over 12 years to transit through each astrological sign. Pluto will then be joining up with Saturn, who will be in the same sign for over 2.5 to 3 years.

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