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Full Moon in Aquarius

September Updates

A Full Moon in Aquarius starts Sept 1 2020 at 10:22 pm PST . This Full Moon will be in the lunar mansion of Shatabhishak nakshatra which fully located in Aquarius at 16:03 degrees. Shatabhishak nakshatra represents possessing a hundred flowers, hundred physicians, a hundred healers even a hundred stars. This star has the power to heal and cure - it may take a hundred physicians to actually get to the remedy or find the cure one is seaking. The common symbol for the Shatabhishak is an empty circle which reflects the inner emptyness that lies within, now has lead to the problem that is needing attention or heaing. Although these circles can lead no where at times- until an alternative solution is solved.

Shatabhishak nakshatra is ruled by Deity Varuna, "the one who emcompasses the whole world" and viewed as the goddess of the "Celestral Sky". Those who have planets in Shatabhishak may be in the healing fields themselves. During this time we might identify a much needed healing for our society or simply for ourselves. Although unfortunately what will be the cure is left a to secret and hard to imagine its essence. One thing is for certain Saturn rules Aquarius along with its co-ruler Rahu. Saturn is about discipline and hard work leaving us to feel nervous and drained. Where as Rahu influence creates the obsession for the unknown. Eventually takes us back to spirituality if we remain open to growth thru discovery and pursuing a practical approach.

Finding a solution or type universal cure wont be easy. During this Full moon cycle we now have a full awareness that we must overcome the illusion left in front of us.

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